Dead Cat Conversion Kit for SK450 Quadcopter Frame
![Dead Cat Conversion Kit for SK450 Quadcopter Frame](/hobbyking/pics/f25/25884/25884(1).jpg)
450 g
Are you looking to convert your SK450 quadcopter into a flying dead cat? If so, we have just the thing! This kit allows you to convert your standard SK450 into the "Dead Cat" style configuration with or without (your choice) the mess and hassle of mounting your own dead feline to the frame.
In addition to flying your deceased family pet around at home or your favorite local flying site, this configuration is also ideal for aerial video/photography as the front arms offer an extra wide field of view. The integrated camera mount plate located at the front of the frame is perfect for mounting a GoPRO or similar sized camera.
This kit includes everything necessary to convert your SK450 quad frame into either a wicked camera rig or a morbid dead pet mobile, the choice is yours!
*Note: This is a conversion kit only and requires the use of original SK450 frame parts to complete.
Front arm width: 490mm
Rear arm width: 375mm
Weight: 460g (completed frame w/out electronics)
Lower main frame plate
Upper main frame plate
All necessary hardware
Front arm width: 490mm
Rear arm width: 375mm
Weight: 460g (completed frame w/out electronics)
Price History
Combo items
The following items can be purchased with a combo-price, if you put them in the cart with Dead Cat Conversion Kit for SK450 Quadcopter Frame. Attention: these products may have more beneficial buddy-price or promo-price.![]() SKU: 9107000349-0 | TURNIGY Super Bright LED Low Voltage Alarm Device 24 g |